Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Could it be?

I'm shocked! I thought that V8 Splash would be a healthy fruit juice choice, because of it's healthy V8 vegetable juice. I was wrong. I tasted the Mango Peach flavor and not really digging it, I turned to read the label and was disgusted -- 10% juice, water is the main ingredient, followed by high fructose corn syrup! Yuck. I'm going back to Dole's 100% juice Orange Peach Mango.

I'm elated! Dr. (Robert) Sears has come out with a new book entitled The Vaccine Book. It won't be released for another 2-3 weeks, but I'm looking forward to buying a copy. It is supposed to be a non-biased source of information, research, etc. Neither Bluebird nor Sweetface have had any vaccinations (other than's mommy's yummy kind!), but I've been wondering lately, now that Bluebird is older if I feel that it'd be safe(r) now for him to have any vaccinations. All I have to do is hear another story of a child becoming autistic after being immunized to make me lean towards staying away from immunizations alltogether. I'm looking forward to this read, and becoming more educated on the issue.

I'm thankful! Bluebird's cough isn't any worse today than yesterday -- it's about the same. It's not bark-y-ish nor whooping-ish, so I'm optimistic. Keep him in your prayers please. It made my heart melt this morning to hear him wake up in his room, and the first thing he hollered was, "mommy, medicine." :( I feel for him, and want him to get better soon.

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