Saturday, March 15, 2008

Oh dear God...

Today I don't know whether I want to scream or cry.

The Kansas Gas Service bill arrived in the mail today: $414.70. I could explain, but it won't make any difference now. The bottom line is $414.70.

God help us...


EdwinsonFamily said...

Shayla. You are having to deal with MANY rough things. I'm praying for you. Let us know if you need help.

Dana said...

Yikes! That is crazy!!!! You're in my prayers.

I absolutely LOVE the background and format of your blog. I would love to know how you set it up like that. I like that the background doesn't move and the next moves over it. Very cool.

EdwinsonFamily said...

You are always so creative and smart when it comes to blogs! I'm with Dana. How do you do it?

The Bellands said...

Funny, what you mentioned Dana didn't ever occur to me! But you're right -- that's different. There are free layouts at That's where I borrowed this one!

As for that gas bill -- it's paid off (instead of the credit card, yikes), and this months bill is back to normal. So that's good. =)

EdwinsonFamily said...

Shayla. You are so savvy. I have looked at that site before, and felt very confused. Today I became determined to "get it". Well, it took at least a 1/2 hour to find the little place in the code I needed to alter... guess the bathroom cleaning will have to get done another time! I'm not so smooth at these things!
I better get smooth at updating though, or no one is ever going to bother with my blog again!